Systematic Theology 2 - God as Trinity

Norman R. Gulley
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What is theology all about? In this long-awaited second volume of a multi-volume comprehensive theological system, Norman R. Gulley addresses the foundational question about theology: Who is God? The author starts with the premise that theology is, ultimately, about the essential character of God. What kind of God is He? Is He a good God or a bad One? Gulley's biblical “cosmic controversy” worldview undergirds his answers to the most fundamental questions of what the Bible teaches about God.

Working steadfastly from the platform of sola scriptura established in his Prolegomena, Gulley takes the serious reader on a wide-ranging and insightful tour of the many facets of the Doctrine of God. His approach first presents his biblical argument on a given topic, and then provides a helpful survey and summary critique of other views throughout the history of theological and philosophical thought.

Beginning with God as relational Trinity, Gulley addresses many other vital questions posed over time, including arguments about timelessness, immutability, and impassability; old and new covenants; God's revelation through the biblical Sanctuary; His ultimate plan of mediation; redemption and restoration; process and openness theology; predestination; and other topics. As in the first volume, Gulley ranges easily over millennia in showing how different concepts and philosophies have affected our understanding of the character of God.

This ambitious work is designed for both the committed student of theology and the general reader who will appreciate each chapter's opening summary, concise conclusion, and helpful set of study questions. This volume provides the fundamental basis of the rest of the system, and is a paradigm shift from many traditional views about God.

"Norman Gulley has followed his prodigious work on Prolegomena with his second volume of theology, God as Trinity. In this new work, Professor Gulley has carefully set forth his understanding of the doctrine of God by doing what the best theological writing does, namely, examining biblical theology as one develops systematic theology. I write as someone outside of the Adventist community and also one who holds to classic theism, but I believe that Dr. Gulley has provided to the Christian world a work that should be given careful consideration by all scholars committed to the authority of God's Word. I am pleased to encourage the thoughtful reading of God as Trinity by evangelical scholarship, and look forward to further volumes from Professor Gulley."
H. Wayne House, Past President, Evangelical Theological Society
Editor, Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (44 vols.)
Distinguished Research Professor of Theology, Law, and Culture
Faith Evangelical College and Seminary

"Norman Gulley has provided for us a most insightful analysis of the doctrine of God. This is a major contribution to the field of systematic theology written by a respected and capable Adventist theologian. He takes us on a theological journey and exploration, from the time of the church fathers to our post-modern world, enriching our understanding of the history of this doctrine. At the center of his theological evaluative criteria he places the authoritative and formative role of Scripture. The volume is indeed a significant contribution to the fields of biblical, historical, and systematic theology. Students and pastors will be well-served by the study of this volume. It is a must reading."
Angel Manuel Rodriguez,
Part-time Associate Director, Biblical Research Institute

"This volume is truly a remarkable, landmark work. While employing the traditional loci of systematic theology-theology, anthropology, Christology-Norman Gulley breaks from the hoary tradition of nearly two millennia by constructing his theology according to the system of truth that arises from Scripture itself rather than from Greek dualistic philosophy. In this study one encounters a radical paradigm shift from the timeless God of Plato (underlying virtually all previous systematic theologies) to the biblical God who acts in time as revealed in the cosmic controversy biblical worldview and the sanctuary system inherent in Scripture. Each of the loci of this volume is meticulously grounded in Scripture, incorporating an impressive array of insights from the recent research of biblical scholarship. Gulley's work is a 'must read' not only for systematic theologians, but for biblical theologians and exegetes, and all who are interested in grasping the inner coherence of Scripture."
Richard M. Davidson, J. N. Andrews Professor of Old Testament Interpretation and
Chair Old Testament Department, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University

"A brilliant synthesis of biblical theology in light of historical and contemporary concerns. As this volume is thought-provoking from cover to cover, many will find much to commend and much to learn from. Essential, stimulating reading for biblical scholars and theologians-lucid and important also for thinking Christians of all faiths."
Clinton Wahlen,
Associate Director, Biblical Research Institute

"Finally a Systematic Theology built on the sola-tota-prima Scriptura principle. In this volume Norman Gulley replaces the timeless God of tradition with the historical God of Scripture. This paradigm shift in theological method places the Economic Trinity at the center of the inner historical logic of Christian theology, and recognizes the New Testament account of the ongoing controversy between Christ and Satan as the metaphysical framework of Christian theology. Readers will appreciate Norman Gulley's irenic deconstruction of Christian tradition, his dialogue with a broad spectrum of leading theologians, and his biblical understanding of Christian doctrines. Fresh theological insights will stimulate the mind, and trenchant spiritual applications will challenge the heart of those who read this massive reassessment of Christian theology."
Fernando L. Canale, Professor of Theology and Philosophy
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University

"Gulley's approach to the pivotal question of God in Scripture bridges the abysm that so often separates biblical from systematic theology. By beginning each dialogue between human tradition and divine inspiration on the side of biblical revelation, the author of this volume provides a unique Adventist perspective on systematic theology that fills a long-standing gap in theological libraries around the globe. It will provide theology/religion majors and seminary students with a tool that helps them to understand and identify with an Adventist systematic approach to the relational God of Scripture."
Martin G. Klingbeil,
Professor of Biblical Studies and Archaeology Southern Adventist University

"A unique quality characterizes this work. Its careful examination of largely neglected biblical themes of the cosmic controversy against God, the sanctuary, and Christ's high-priestly ministry is invaluable in understanding other aspects of Christian theology. Dr. Norman Gulley shows a remarkable familiarity with many of the theories and distortions which through the centuries have affectively compromised, at times eluded, biblical teachings. As an Adventist treatment this book has no peer. Written by one of the most eminent Adventist theologians of this generation, it will do much to place Adventist thinking in its proper perspective."
Raoul Dederen, Emeritus chair of the Systematic Theology Department and
former Dean Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University

Norman R. Gulley is Research Professor of Systematic Theology at Southern Adventist University in Tennessee and holds a Ph.D. degree in Systematic Theology from The University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He has taught in the Far East (Japan and Philippines) at the collegiate and graduate Seminary levels respectively, and in the United States during a long career of pastoring, teaching, academic administration, professional society involvement, writing, and extensive worldwide travel as a visiting lecturer.

Acknowledgments God as Trinity
Chapter One: God's Eternal Relationship: Trinity
Chapter Two: God's Eternal Relationship: Nature and Attributes
Chapter Three: God's Eternal Relationship: Early Patristic Views
Chapter Four: God's Eternal Relationship: Trinitarian Covenant
Chapter Five: God's Eternal Relationship: Timeless and Spaceless God
Chapter Six: God's Eternal Relationship: Classical Views
Chapter Seven: God's Eternal Relationship: Contemporary Views
Chapter Eight: God's Plan: Redemption and Restoration
Chapter Nine: God's Plan: Covenant-Creation through to Israel
Chapter Ten: God's Plan: the Covenant-Solomon through to Judah
Chapter Eleven: God's Plan: Old and New Covenants
Chapter Twelve: God's Plan: Contemporary Challenges
Chapter Thirteen: God's Plan: Problem Texts
Chapter Fourteen: God's Plan: Unfolded in the Sanctuary
Chapter Fifteen: God's Plan: Proponents of Predestination
Chapter Sixteen: God's Plan: Opponents to Predestination