J. N. Andrews: Mission Pioneer, Evangelist, and Thought Leader

Gilbert M. Valentine
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John Nevins Andrews has been one of the most celebrated of Adventist pioneer leaders because of his ground-breaking ventures on behalf of Adventist world-wide mission.

Tall and distinguished-looking in appearance, with warm blue eyes, rimless glasses, thick but neatly trimmed beard, and bearing himself with erect dignity, John Andrews made a good first impression on people. He was always curious, well informed, and his wide interests made him an easy conversationalist. He had the temperament of a scholar with both its strengths and weaknesses. But he was also a passionate evangelist and early missionary and had the enduring joy of introducing thousands to the life of faith within the distinctive Adventist framework of understanding.

While Andrews was not one of the original inner three-some of Adventism’s founders, he was nonetheless the first of Adventism’s notable and enduring pioneers to join that inner circle on a full-time basis. Within a short time, as his writing and speaking skills matured, the respect in which he came to be held by the community gave him a status as second in leadership only to James White.

This thoroughly researched biography tells the story not only of John Nevins Andrews but also the story of James and Ellen White and of the development of their beloved Adventist church. J. N. Andrews was totally committed to “the cause” of Seventh-day Adventism. It was his life and it shaped him even as he helped shape it.

Gilbert M. Valentine, PhD, is professor and chair of the Department of Administration and Leadership at La Sierra University in Riverside, California. He has both taught and served in senior administration in Adventist higher education in Pakistan, England, Thailand, and Australia, as well as in his home country, New Zealand. He has written extensively in the area of Adventist History.- His previous publications include W.W. Prescott: Forgotten Giant of Adventism's Second Generation (2005) and The Struggle for the Prophetic Heritage (2006).